
  • Male urinary incontinence
    Some men leak urine (urinary incontinence) when they cough or exercise (stress urinary incontinence) or when they have a sudden,compelling urge to pass urine (urgency urinary incontinence). Men may also need to pass urine more often than usual (frequency) or get up mor ...
    01:34:00 Hours English
  • Anatomy of the pelvic floor
    01:07:00 Hours English
  • Avaliação fisioterapêutica para incontinência urinária feminina com a prática de caso clínico
    Com base em diagnósticos fisioterapêuticos adequados, a seleção adequada do paciente e o consequente treinamento da musculatura do assoalho pélvico terão alta taxa de cura/melhora, também em longo prazo. Este webinar demonstra o papel da avaliação da fisioterap ...
    01:28:00 Hours Portuguese
  • Idealized Integrated Pelvic Care

    The Symposium focus on the ideal approach to integral care for the bladder and pelvic floor dysfunctions in a unique way. Besides anatomy and neurophysiology of the pelvic floor, the pathophysiology of a number of important pelvic floor and bladder dysfunctions, the ...

    06:48:00 Hours English